Prada Marfa, Texas

Prada Marfa Texas

Prada Marfa has been on my bucket list for a very long time. I finally visited this art installation in the desert just west of Valentine, TX, off Highway 90. If you like the unusual roadside attraction created by Elmgreen and Dragset, put this one on your bucket list.



Prada Marfa is in the desert, just over 30 miles west of Marfa, Texas, off Highway 90. If you’re a fan of funky roadside attractions, this one fits the bill.

Texas Department of Transportation has officially classified Prada Marfa as a museum. This classification happened in 2014; otherwise, the installation would have been considered an advertisement and possibly removed.

Prada Marfa Closeup - Mrs. Padilly

With Prada Marfa in the middle of nowhere, I thought I would have the place to myself.   That’s exactly how it was when we arrived, but within 10 minutes, cars began arriving from both directions. I had to wait almost 30 minutes before getting my boot photograph without others in the shot!

The shoes and purses you see on display are authentic Prada. But, due to repeated vandalism, the bottoms have been cut out.

Cowgirl Up Prada Marfa - Mrs. Padilly

I thought this would be the perfect place to place one of my Padilly Rocks.

The closest town to Prada Marfa is Valentine, not Marfa. If you are a fan of the 1956 movie Giant, starring Rock Hudson, Elizabeth Taylor, and James Dean, you might want to stop by the old Valentine Cemetery. I have read the cemetery was the movie’s Mexican village site. Just be aware that the gates are locked, so only observe from outside the fence!

Valentine Cemetery

Keep your eyes peeled to the left as you are traveling your way back to Marfa on US 90. You will see what remains of “Little Reata” from Giant on the horizon. This was the oil field of James Dean’s character, Jett Rink. And here is a bit more movie trivia for you. Did you know that the producers of “Dallas” named the infamous J.R. Ewing based on the Giant character Jett Rink. It’s a fact.

Little Reata - Mrs Padilly


I picked up a copy of Edna Ferber’s classic “Giant” in a gift shop in Marfa, but you can also order a copy with this link (affiliate link): Giant (Perennial Classics)

Happy Trails,
Mrs. Padilly


I’ve told a little lie.

The first time I saw Prada Marfa was looking out the window of a speeding Amtrak train, the Texas Eagle, on a trip from Houston to Los Angeles. Imagine my surprise when this train passed us by while I was standing there. True, the train typically runs these tracks twice a day, but those were still pretty good odds!

Amtrak near Prada Marfa

Amtrak Passing Prada Marfa - Mrs Padilly

Good ol’ Spot, our trusty rental car during our stay at Davis Mountains State Park, waits patiently.

ol' Spot at Prada Marfa

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Also, if you haven’t already, check out my popular Casita and Shasta Makeover Series, where I hope you find inspiration, and THANK YOU for your support!

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