Padilly News: Kayaking Crystal Rivers

Mrs Padilly Kayaking Three Sister Springs
Spring 2021, Vol. 2, Issue 2 | –


Howdy, Traveler! I hope all is well in your neck of the woods. After the trials of last year, my spring 2021 travel has focused on nature and nurture! We are getting out again and nurturing our hearts and souls with travel and camping, and it feels good!

As a travel blogger, it is easy to fall into the trap of focusing your travels on the need to document everything — instead of just taking everything in. Since coming out of the fog of COVID, I felt a strong need to get away from everything, including avoiding most of my social media.

While I did poorly on leaving my cameras behind, I did focus on taking everything in.  I didn’t download any trip photos or movies. Wrote no articles. I created a few projects but didn’t write about them. Instead, I focused on just having fun living life in the outdoors. I hope you did, too.

But with spring almost behind me, I finally downloaded my photos to post this newsletter with our spring updates, and in a few weeks, we are taking a month-long trip to Nashville for camping, boating, and honky-tonking.

Three Sisters Springs

It’s been over 20 months since leaving Texas and moving to Florida, and we were finally able to take the Hobie kayaks to the crystal clear waters of Three Sisters Springs in Crystal Rivers, Florida.

Mrs Padilly Kayaks Three Sisters Springs

It’s Derby Time!

We took our new Thor Palazzo on her first long trip by spending a month in Kentucky to visit family and participating in the 147th Kentucky Derby with a campsite Derby Party.

In true Derby spirit, I made the traditional Mint Julep (for the first time), and one guest told me it was the best Mint Julep he ever had. 🙂 You can find this recipe here.

Mint Julep


There is another reason I haven’t written any new travel posts or created new projects this spring.  The other thing taking up my time is I have turned my attention to a children’s book series I’ve been working on.  The first is a picture book poem, which was the inspiration for the second book, my young reader’s children’s book.

To check Sir Rubicon out, and get a peak at an early sketch of the “real” Mrs. Padilly, go to my personal blog,

Happy Camper

And since I’m on the subject of books, I wanted to show you my favorite section of my Happy Camper Camping Journal & RV Logbook.  It is the small doodling space I left in the bottom left corner of each entry.

This first photo is a doodle of a rubber ducky I found while staying at Disney’s Fort Wilderness Campground. A Facebook group, which hides these surprises around the campground, placed the ducky on a post for someone to find.  Kind of like geocaching, but you keep the prize.

Black 8 Ball Rubber Duck

The next doodle is my dandelion seedhead.  During our stay in Kentucky, dandelion seedheads were everywhere, and my three-year-old granddaughter spent hours gathering them and spreading the seeds. She was such a joy to watch, and this little doodle is one of my favorite memories from this trip.

Mrs Padillys Dandelion Seedhead Doodle

If you, or someone you know, enjoy journaling (and doodling) about your camping trips, then check my journal out!

For sure, our Spring 2021 Travel was full! But, it felt great to get out again, without the cloud of contacting COVID.  I hope this terrible pandemic is behind us and that we can all get back to Living Life in the Outdoors!

Happy Trails,
Mrs. Padilly

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Also, if you haven’t already, check out my popular Casita and Shasta Makeover Series, where I hope you find inspiration, and THANK YOU for your support!


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