Installing a Tile Backsplash in my Casita Travel Trailer

Installing a Tile Backsplash

I thought the tile backsplash would be one of the easier projects to complete since the space is small, and I have worked with tile and grout on bigger projects. I was wrong…

Adding Teal Paint Accents to Glamp my Casita Travel Trailer

Renew Surfaces with Spray Paint

After chalk painting the doors in my Casita, the second project I completed was to add a splash of color and hide rusty surfaces with some teal spray paint.

Chalk Painting the Cabinet Doors in my Casita Travel Trailer

Chalk Painting Cabinet Doors

This is my first article of a seven-article How-To series on the Glamping makeover of  my Casita Travel Trailer: (Please see my post, My Casita Camper “Before Glamping” Pictures, to learn why I chose to buy a Casita Travel Trailer, including before pictures as…

My Casita Travel Trailer’s “Before Glamping” Pictures

Casita Before Glamping

My Casita: Before Glamping For the last several weeks, I have turned my Casita Travel Trailer into a Glamper. In this introductory article, I include pictures of my Casita’s appearance before Glamping, my thought process, and other resources. You will find links to my remaining…

My New Casita Travel Trailer!

My New Casita

New My New-to-Me 2006 Casita Travel Trailer! This little travel trailer, painted brown by the original (first) owner, came to our family only two days ago.  She is now sitting in our storage shed, but I will soon be transforming her from a typical…